D.A. Wallach is a leading venture capital investor and an acclaimed recording artist. In 2011, D.A. stopped touring in order to focus on his other passion, investing. He has since built a parallel career as a venture capitalist, backing a series of industry-defining technology companies including Spotify, SpaceX, Ripple, The Boring Company, and Memphis Meats. Since 2015, D.A. has focused almost exclusively on biotechnology and healthcare, seeking to reinvent medicine through breakthrough start-ups like Beam, Glympse, Doctor on Demand, Devoted Health, and Neuralink.
Los Angeles, California
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$500K - $1M
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$3M - $10M
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Funds they're a part of
Inevitable Ventures
About the Fund
Inevitable Ventures is an investment partnership founded by billionaire investor Ron Burkle, prominent Web3 fund manager Chris Hollod, and recording artist and investor D.A. Wallach. It invests opportunistically in radical emerging technologies that seek to solve challenging problems and create novel consumer experiences. Inevitable Ventures supports entrepreneurs who are pursuing difficult problems in industries that are central to human life, including but not limited to healthcare, media, life sciences, financial services, food, and logistics. Based in LA, the fund will devote particular attention to companies being built in Southern California.
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